Unsupervised NLP Analysis of Novelists

Author: Ryan Harper

Overview (top)

Data Source:

NLTK Gutenberg


This project explores the variation in vocabulary and writing structure of three different authors by employing Word2Vec, IDF, and a gaussian mixture cluster model to examine the sentences in three different novels.


author: author of the novel
sentence: sentence from the novel/author

Experiment (top)


Authors will use different vocabulary and collocations that will help models predict differences between the authors in an unsupervised environment.


  • Proper nouns (names and places) are the strongest indicator of different authors (via their specific novels)

  • Some frequently used 1 and 2 word expressions (i.e.'Oh' and 'was said') are a good indicator of different authors

  • Clustering models on a Truncated SVD IDF vector does not appear to produce meaningful results. Future experiments might need to explore other ways to better vectorize sentences for cluster models.

  • Method:

    Imported and merged the three novels into a data set - added a fourth novel from the first author to control for differences in novels

    Split up the novels by sentences and randomly sorted the samples.

    Implemented Word2Vec on the sentences and visualized word similarities

    Used IDF and SVD to assess important components and then matched them to the original sentences.

    Used the Gaussian Mixture model (cluster model) to look at the three combined samples and to determine if clusters could be determined from sentences.

    Used v_measurement, cross tab, and akaike to assess the effectiveness of the clustering.

    1. Cleaning the Data (top)

    In [1]:
    %matplotlib inline
    import numpy as np;import pandas as pd;import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import scipy
    import re
    import sklearn;from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
    from nltk.corpus import gutenberg
    from IPython.display import display
    import warnings
    import seaborn as sns
    from textblob import TextBlob
    In [2]:
    from colorama import Fore
    green = Fore.GREEN
    red = Fore.RED
    black = Fore.RESET
    In [3]:
    ['austen-emma.txt', 'austen-persuasion.txt', 'austen-sense.txt', 'bible-kjv.txt', 'blake-poems.txt', 'bryant-stories.txt', 'burgess-busterbrown.txt', 'carroll-alice.txt', 'chesterton-ball.txt', 'chesterton-brown.txt', 'chesterton-thursday.txt', 'edgeworth-parents.txt', 'melville-moby_dick.txt', 'milton-paradise.txt', 'shakespeare-caesar.txt', 'shakespeare-hamlet.txt', 'shakespeare-macbeth.txt', 'whitman-leaves.txt']
    In [4]:
    # Utility function for standard text cleaning.
    def text_cleaner(text):
        text = str(text)
        # Visual inspection identifies a form of punctuation spaCy does not
        # recognize: the double dash '--'.  Better get rid of it now!
        text = re.sub(r'--',' ',text)
        text = re.sub("[\[].*?[\]]", "", text)
        text = re.sub('\n'," ",text)
        text = re.sub('\r'," ",text)
        return text
    def mlist(story):
        return [text_cleaner(i) for i in TextBlob(re.sub(r'Chapter \d+', '', story)).sentences]
    def mtokens(story):
        return [list(i.words.lower()) for i in TextBlob(re.sub(r'Chapter \d+', '', story)).sentences]
    In [5]:
    # Load and clean the data.
    chestertonbrown = mlist(gutenberg.raw('chesterton-brown.txt'))
    edgeworth = mlist(gutenberg.raw('edgeworth-parents.txt'))
    alice = mlist(gutenberg.raw('carroll-alice.txt'))
    In [6]:
    sentences = chestertonbrown + alice + edgeworth
    In [7]:
    def nl(name,data):
        return [name for i in range(len(data))]
    name = nl('chesterton',chestertonbrown)+nl('edgeworth',edgeworth)+nl('carroll',alice)
    In [8]:
    # Add second book to control for book differences (instead of author differences)
    chestertonball = mlist(gutenberg.raw('chesterton-ball.txt'))
    In [9]:
    stories = pd.DataFrame([sentences,name]).T.sample(frac=1,random_state=42)
    stories.columns = ['sentence','author']

    2. Word Embedding - Word2Vec

    In [10]:
    from gensim.models import word2vec
    from gensim.utils import tokenize
    In [11]:
    stories.tokens = stories.sentence.apply(tokenize).apply(list)
    In [12]:
    load_model = False
    vec_size = 200
    word_vec = word2vec.Word2Vec(
        workers=4,     # Number of threads to run in parallel
        min_count=5,  # Minimum word count threshold.
        window=6,      # Number of words around target word to consider.
        sg=0,          # Use CBOW because our corpus is small.
        sample=1e-3 ,  # Penalize frequent words.
        size=vec_size,      # Word vector length.
        hs=1           # Use hierarchical softmax.
    # List of words in model.
    vocab = word_vec.wv.vocab.keys()
    CPU times: user 6.92 s, sys: 34.1 ms, total: 6.95 s
    Wall time: 2.16 s

    Cosine Similarity Function

    $$ cos(\theta) = \frac{A \bullet B} {\Vert A \Vert \Vert B \Vert} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n A_i B_i}{\sqrt{ \sum_{i=1}^n A^2} \sqrt{ \sum_{i=1}^n B^2}} $$

    Version A. Cosine Similarity Function on Word2Vec Matrix (with numpy)

    In [13]:
    euclidean_norm = lambda m: np.sqrt(np.array([a*a for a in m]).sum())
    def similarity_vec(a,b):
        return (np.dot(a,b))/(euclidean_norm(a)*euclidean_norm(b))
    ladyship_miss = similarity_vec(word_vec['ladyship'],word_vec['Miss'])
    ladyship_statue = similarity_vec(word_vec['ladyship'],word_vec['statue'])
    statue_miss = similarity_vec(word_vec['statue'],word_vec['Miss'])
    bore_hard = similarity_vec(word_vec['bore'],word_vec['hard'])
    print(green+'ladyship - Miss: {}'.format(ladyship_miss)+black)
    print(red+'ladyship - statue: {}'.format(ladyship_statue)+black)
    print(red+'statue - Miss: {}'.format(statue_miss)+black)
    print(green+'bore - hard: {}'.format(bore_hard)+black)
    ladyship - Miss: 0.6202283501625061
    ladyship - statue: 0.19411465525627136
    statue - Miss: 0.06034122034907341
    bore - hard: 0.6270266175270081

    Version B. Gensim

    In [14]:
    w1,w2,w3 = 'Miss','ladyship','men'
    print(word_vec.wv.most_similar(positive=[w1, w2], negative=[w3], topn=1))
    w1 = 'statue'
    w1 = 'hard'
    [('mother', 0.7773891687393188)]
    [('restaurant', 0.8764076232910156), ('engine', 0.8655489683151245), ('unknown', 0.8647832870483398)]
    [('whistle', 0.7745720148086548), ('grotesque', 0.7595998048782349), ('tame', 0.7530933022499084)]

    Version C. SKlearn

    In [15]:
    from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
    In [16]:
    array([[ 1., -1.,  1., ...,  1.,  1., -1.],
           [-1.,  1., -1., ..., -1., -1.,  1.],
           [ 1., -1.,  1., ...,  1.,  1., -1.],
           [ 1., -1.,  1., ...,  1.,  1., -1.],
           [-1.,  1., -1., ..., -1., -1.,  1.],
           [-1.,  1., -1., ..., -1., -1.,  1.]], dtype=float32)

    Returns a matrix for first part of cosine similarity equation

    Word Similarity Visualization

    In [17]:
    colors_dict = dict(zip(['statue','Miss','ladyship'],['red','green','green']))
    In [18]:
    from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
    X = word_vec[word_vec.wv.vocab]
    words = list(word_vec.wv.vocab)
    graph_tsne = TSNE(n_components=2)
    result = graph_tsne.fit_transform(X)
    # create a scatter plot of the projection
    plt.scatter(result[:, 0], result[:, 1],color='gray')
    for i, word in enumerate(words):
        if word in colors_dict.keys():
                         xy=(result[i, 0], 
                             result[i, 1]),

    3. IDF Vectorization (top)

    In [19]:
    vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.3,
                                 lowercase=True, #lower case
                                 use_idf=True,#inverse document frequencies
                                 norm=u'l1', #longer and shorter paragraphs get treated equally
                                 smooth_idf=True #Adds 1 to all document frequencies
    X_train, y_train = stories.sentence,stories.author
    #Applying the vectorizer
    print("Number of features: %d" % stories_paras_tfidf.get_shape()[1])
    Number of features: 9040
    In [20]:
    # Reformat tfidf (Thinkful code)
    X_train_tfidf_csr = stories_paras_tfidf.tocsr()
    n = X_train_tfidf_csr.shape[0]
    tfidf_bypara = [{} for _ in range(0,n)]

    Examine Features

    In [21]:
    #List of features
    terms = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
    #for each paragraph, lists the feature words and their tf-idf scores
    for i, j in zip(*X_train_tfidf_csr.nonzero()):
        tfidf_bypara[i][terms[j]] = X_train_tfidf_csr[i, j]
    #Keep in mind that the log base 2 of 1 is 0
    print('Original sentence:', stories.iloc[0])
    print('Tf_idf vector:', tfidf_bypara[10])
    Original sentence: sentence    cried her mother; "come to me, and tell me  wh...
    author                                              edgeworth
    Name: 8214, dtype: object
    Tf_idf vector: {'said': 0.3388014198339718, 'archer': 0.6611985801660282}

    4. SVD Component Analysis (top)

    In [22]:
    from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
    from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
    from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer
    In [23]:
    variances = []
    r = range (1,7001,500)
    for i in r:
        svd= TruncatedSVD(i)
        lsa = make_pipeline(svd, Normalizer(copy=False))
        # Run SVD on the training data, then project the training data.
        X_train_lsa = lsa.fit_transform(X_train_tfidf_csr)
        total_variance = variance_explained.sum()
        print('# of Features: {}'.format(i),end=' | ')
    # of Features: 1 | # of Features: 501 | # of Features: 1001 | # of Features: 1501 | # of Features: 2001 | # of Features: 2501 | # of Features: 3001 | # of Features: 3501 | # of Features: 4001 | # of Features: 4501 | # of Features: 5001 | # of Features: 5501 | # of Features: 6001 | # of Features: 6501 | 
    In [24]:
    plt.title('Truncated SVD: Explained Variance')
    Text(0.5,1,'Truncated SVD: Explained Variance')
    In [25]:
    svd= TruncatedSVD(400)
    lsa = make_pipeline(svd, Normalizer(copy=False))
    # Run SVD on the training data, then project the training data.
    X_train_lsa = lsa.fit_transform(X_train_tfidf_csr)
    total_variance = variance_explained.sum()
    In [26]:
    #Looking at what sorts of paragraphs our solution considers similar
    paras_by_component['author'] = stories.author
    paras_by_component['sentence'] = stories.sentence
    In [27]:
    pd.options.display.width = 100
    pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 100
    In [28]:
    for i in range(5):
        component = i
        print('Component {}:'.format(component))
        df = pd.DataFrame(data = paras_by_component[[component,'author','sentence']]).sort_values(by=component,ascending=False)[0:40:5]
        df = df.reset_index();del df['index'];df.columns=['Similarity','Author','Sentence']
    Component 0:
    Similarity Author Sentence
    0 0.973342 edgeworth said I.
    1 0.973342 chesterton He said something or nothing.
    2 0.973342 edgeworth said he.
    3 0.973342 edgeworth "Very well," said she.
    4 0.973342 edgeworth said the others.
    5 0.973342 chesterton he said.
    6 0.973342 chesterton he said.
    7 0.971554 edgeworth said the Eaglet.
    Component 1:
    Similarity Author Sentence
    0 0.982147 edgeworth "Oh!
    1 0.982147 chesterton "Oh!"
    2 0.982147 edgeworth "Oh!
    3 0.982147 edgeworth Oh, how could you do so?"
    4 0.982147 edgeworth Oh!
    5 0.982147 carroll Oh!
    6 0.982147 carroll "Oh!"
    7 0.982147 edgeworth "Oh!"
    Component 2:
    Similarity Author Sentence
    0 0.989295 edgeworth Just.
    1 0.989295 edgeworth Just.
    2 0.989295 edgeworth Just.
    3 0.989295 edgeworth Just.
    4 0.989295 edgeworth Just.
    5 0.989295 edgeworth Just.
    6 0.989295 edgeworth Just as much.
    7 0.989295 edgeworth Just.
    Component 3:
    Similarity Author Sentence
    0 0.991301 edgeworth Lord J.
    1 0.991301 edgeworth Lord J.
    2 0.991301 edgeworth Lord J.
    3 0.991301 edgeworth Lord J.
    4 0.991301 edgeworth Lord J.
    5 0.991301 chesterton Lord!
    6 0.991301 edgeworth Lord J.
    7 0.991301 edgeworth Lord J.
    Component 4:
    Similarity Author Sentence
    0 0.999998 edgeworth Wheel.
    1 0.999998 edgeworth Wheel.
    2 0.999998 edgeworth Wheel.
    3 0.999998 edgeworth Wheel.
    4 0.999998 edgeworth Wheel.
    5 0.999998 edgeworth Wheel.
    6 0.999998 edgeworth Wheel.
    7 0.999998 edgeworth Wheel.
    #Manual Similarity Discovery for j in range(100,110): for i in range(len(similarity)): if similarity[j][i] > .7: print(stories.sentence.iloc[i]) print('\n')
    In [29]:
    r = range(0,20)
    # Compute document similarity using LSA components
    similarity = np.asarray(np.asmatrix(X_train_lsa) * np.asmatrix(X_train_lsa).T)
    #Only taking the first 10 sentences
    #Making a plot
    ax = sns.heatmap(sim_matrix,yticklabels=r)
    #Generating a key for the plot.
    for i in r:
        j = i-r[0]
        print("{}-{}: {}".format(i,stories.author.iloc[i],sim_matrix.index[j][0:100]))
    0-edgeworth: cried her mother; "come to me, and tell me  what's the matter."
    1-edgeworth: it asked.
    2-chesterton: Then MacIan stopped suddenly and planted his sword-point in the ground like one who plants his tent-
    3-edgeworth: "What!
    4-carroll: "Well, then," cried Tarlton, giving his hand to the boy next him, then to  the next, "your word and 
    5-edgeworth: Without determining which species of love is the most flattering to  others, we can easily decide wh
    6-edgeworth: "Shall we walk out before tea?"
    7-chesterton: He was one of those amateurs who always know more than the professional.
    8-chesterton: "Then, why," said the large man in the silk hat, trembling from head to foot, "why do you wear your 
    9-edgeworth: "Well," said Susan, "I am not too proud to be obliged.
    10-edgeworth: said Archer.
    11-edgeworth: All I understand is the  common honesty of the matter.
    12-chesterton: Beyond it lay the broad sombrero fallen from the head of Muscari, and beside it a sealed business le
    13-chesterton: Anyone passing the place during a certain autumn evening, itself almost fairylike, might have seen a
    14-edgeworth: "But I mean to do more than PAY YOU WITH WORDS," said Sir Arthur.
    15-chesterton: There was not only Miss Drake of the motor-car, but also Miss Drake's chauffeur.
    16-edgeworth: 'But they were IN the well,' Alice said to the Dormouse, not choosing to notice this last remark.
    17-chesterton: Send up the very best wine and dinner at once.
    18-edgeworth: Touch him  who dares!"
    19-edgeworth: "It is all I wish," exclaimed Mr. Cox, "that I could find out and light  upon the man that has belie

    5. Cluster Model - Gaussian Mixture (top)

    Because four novels (and three authors) were merged into a single data set, a mixture model is helpful for distinguising between

    In [30]:
    from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture
    gm_range = range(2,8,1)
    gm_aic = []
    gm_predict = []
    gm_score = []
    gm_x = X_train_lsa
    gm_y = y_train
    for i in gm_range:
        # Declare and fit the model.
        gm = GaussianMixture(n_components=i,n_init=10,init_params='random')
        # gm_predict.append(km.predict_fit(X_test_tfidf))
        #Predicted clusters.
        print('{} completed'.format(i),end=' | ')
    2 completed | 3 completed | 4 completed | 5 completed | 6 completed | 7 completed | CPU times: user 2h 50min 5s, sys: 13min 10s, total: 3h 3min 16s
    Wall time: 1h 39min 39s

    6. Cluster Analysis

    AIC (Aikaike Information Criterion)

    In [31]:

    V-Measurement Score

    In [33]:
    from sklearn.metrics import v_measure_score
    v_score = []
    for score in gm_predict:

    Cross Tab

    In [34]:
    table = pd.crosstab(y_train, gm_predict[1],margins = True)
    table.index = list(y_train.unique()) + ['total'];table
    col_0 0 1 2 All
    edgeworth 856 460 309 1625
    chesterton 4637 2203 1496 8336
    carroll 4546 2835 2715 10096
    total 10039 5498 4520 20057