L1 Prediction from ELL Writing Samples

Part 1: Exploration

Author: Ryan Harper

Overview (top)

Data Source:

http://lang-8.com/ [scraped with Beautiful Soup]



In my previous profession, I taught English to a diverse range of students of all ages, language background, and country origin. During my professional development, I started to observe that different students with different L1s (1st Language) tended to display different patterns of communication that appeared to have some connection to either education in their country of origin or a connection to the linguistic structure of their first language. Different ELL (English Language Learners) needed to focus on different aspects of the English language depending on their background. The purpose of this project is to use a large number of blog posts from a language practicing website and explore whether or not the L1 has any significant impact on the blog writing style of the English learner.

Part 1: Explore the data to find any noteworthy trends in linguistic structure:

  1. vocabulary (word freq, collocations, and cognates)
  2. syntax (sentence structure)
  3. grammar (i.e. grammar complexity of sentences)
  4. errors (types of errors)
  5. parts of speech (NLTK Abbreviations: https://pythonprogramming.net/natural-language-toolkit-nltk-part-speech-tagging/)
  6. Word Frequency (ANC: http://www.anc.org/data/anc-second-release/frequency-data/)

Part 2: Use linguistic trends to determine whether or not a learner's first language can be predicted.


id: User ID
time: Time the blog post was scraped (in order of user posted time)
title: Title of the blog post
content: The blog post
language: User's self-reported first language

Experiment (top)


L1 (first language) experience and academic environment influences ELLs' (English Language Learners') writing style. The L1 of ELLs can be predicted by looking at English blog posts and identifying patterns unique to their L1.


  • Chinese learners use more reflexive pronouns than Japanese learners
  • Japanese and Chinese learners appear to favor different prepositions
  • Japanese and Chinese learners have a different range of subjectivity scores (from Textblob)
  • K Nearest Neighbors does not appear to work for this NLP project
  • Naive Bayes and Random Forest outperformed other models
  • Logistic Regression occasionally has strong predictions (but the order of the first few ranked features do not appear significant)

  • Method:

    Using multiple models, the aim of this project is to explore how different models can handle the data (target and features) and to see what information can be gained from using multiple different models. Ultimately, the goal is to determine which models are appropriate for a binary (discrete) target with features that are both qualitative (discrete) and quantitative (ranked/continuous).

    1. Cleaning the Data (top)

    In [ ]:
    # from nltk.corpus import brown
    # nltk.download('brown')
    In [2]:
    # iPython/Jupyter Notebook
    import time
    from pprint import pprint
    import warnings
    from IPython.display import Image
    # Data processing
    import scipy
    import pandas as pd
    import plotly as plo
    import numpy as np
    import seaborn as sns
    from collections import Counter
    from functools import reduce
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
    # Statistics
    from scipy import stats
    from statsmodels import robust
    from scipy.stats import ttest_ind, mannwhitneyu, median_test, f_oneway,mood, shapiro
    # NLP
    import textblob
    from nltk.corpus import stopwords as sw
    from nltk.util import ngrams
    from nltk.corpus import brown
    import nltk
    import re
    from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
    import difflib
    from string import punctuation
    # import altair as alt
    In [3]:
    # load and close files
    def get_text(link):
        with open(link) as f:
            output = f.read()
        return output
    In [4]:
    # Jupyter Settings and Imports
    %matplotlib inline 
    Using matplotlib backend: MacOSX
    Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
    # Import data sample = pd.read_csv('../data/language/blogdata-reduced.csv')
    In [5]:
    # Import data
    blog = pd.read_csv('../data/language/blogdata-reduced.csv')
    # POS Table for reference
    poscv = pd.read_csv('../data/pos.csv')
    poscv = poscv.iloc[0:17]
    poscv.columns = ['Set1','Set 2']
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    RangeIndex: 17141 entries, 0 to 17140
    Data columns (total 6 columns):
    Unnamed: 0    17141 non-null int64
    id            17141 non-null int64
    time          17141 non-null object
    title         17141 non-null object
    content       17141 non-null object
    language      17141 non-null object
    dtypes: int64(2), object(4)
    memory usage: 803.6+ KB
    In [6]:
    # Import data
    blog = pd.read_csv('../data/language/blogdata-reduced.csv')
    # Clean Data
    del blog['Unnamed: 0']
    blog.language = blog.language.mask(blog.language == 'Mandarin', 'Traditional Chinese').replace(['Persian', 'Arabic',
            'Bulgarian', 'Swedish', 'Slovenian', 'Slovak', 'Malay', 'Turkish','Romanian', 'Czech', 'Danish', 'Vietnamese',
            'Norwegian','Serbian','Other language','Lithuanian', 'Ukrainian', 'Finnish','Estonian','Bengali','Russian', 
            'Spanish','French', 'German', 'Cantonese','Mongolian', 'Tagalog', 'Polish', 'Dutch','Italian', 'Portuguese(Brazil)', 
            'Thai', 'Indonesian', 'Cantonese','Urdu', 'Hungarian','Korean','English'], np.nan)
    blog = blog.dropna().sample(frac=1)
    del blog['title']
    del blog['time']
    In [7]:
    blog.info(verbose=False, memory_usage=False,null_counts=True)
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    Int64Index: 14262 entries, 7046 to 11936
    Columns: 3 entries, id to language
    dtypes: int64(1), object(2)
    In [8]:
    # Confirmation that there are no more null values
    In [9]:
    def lettercheck(val):
        reLetters = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z]')
        onlyletters = reLetters.sub('', val)
        return len(onlyletters)/len(val)
    In [10]:
    blog['letters_per'] = blog.content.apply(lettercheck)
    print('Removing Blogs with less than 70% letter percentage: {}'.format(blog.loc[blog['letters_per'] <= .7].content.count()))
    blog = blog.loc[blog['letters_per'] > .7]
    Removing Blogs with less than 70% letter percentage: 1227
    In [11]:
    <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
    Int64Index: 13035 entries, 7046 to 11936
    Data columns (total 4 columns):
    id             13035 non-null int64
    content        13035 non-null object
    language       13035 non-null object
    letters_per    13035 non-null float64
    dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(2)
    memory usage: 509.2+ KB

    2. Exploring the Data (top)

    In [12]:
    vals = list(blog.language.value_counts().values)
    languages = list(blog.language.value_counts().index)
    plt.title('Blogs by L1 Count')
    In [13]:
    print("Posts by 'Native' English Speakers: {}".format(blog.id.loc[blog.language == 'English'].count()))
    Posts by 'Native' English Speakers: 0

    NLP: Spell Check, Tokenization, Collocations, Parts of Speech, and Syntax (top)

    Word Level Ranking

    In [14]:
    ANCI_WORDS = pd.read_csv('../data/language/ANC-written-count.txt', 
    word_freq = list(zip(ANCI_WORDS['word'].values,ANCI_WORDS['freq'].values))
    full_words_dict = {}
    words_dict = {}
    # full_freq
    i = 0
    for w in word_freq:
        i = i + 1
        if w[0] not in full_words_dict:
            full_words_dict[w[0]] = w[1]
    # basic_freq
    i = 0
    for w in word_freq:
        i = i + 1
        if w[0] not in words_dict:
            if i < 500:
                words_dict[w[0]] = 1
            elif (i >= 500) & (i < 5000):
                words_dict[w[0]] = 2
            elif (i >= 5000) & (i < 10000):
                words_dict[w[0]] = 3
            elif (i >= 5000) & (i < 20000):
                words_dict[w[0]] = 4
    In [15]:
    def full_freq_rating(l):
        score = 0
        for w in l:
            if w in full_words_dict:
                c = c + 1
                score = score + full_words_dict[w]
        if c == 0:
        return score / c
    def freq_rating(l):
        score = 0
        for w in l:
            if w in words_dict:
                c = c + 1
                score = score + words_dict[w]
        if c == 0:
        return score / c


    In [16]:
    blob = blog.content.apply(lambda val: textblob.TextBlob(val))
    CPU times: user 246 ms, sys: 16.1 ms, total: 262 ms
    Wall time: 264 ms
    In [17]:
    def posbigram(val):
        bigramlist,l = [],[]
        for s in val.sentences:
            ns = textblob.TextBlob(str(s)).tags
            l = [v[1] for v in ns]
            bigrm = list(nltk.bigrams(l))
            for bigram in bigrm:
        return bigramlist
    def postrigram(val):
        trigramlist, l = [],[]
        for s in val.sentences:
            ns = textblob.TextBlob(str(s)).tags
            l = [v[1] for v in ns]
            trigrm = list(nltk.trigrams(l))
            for trigram in trigrm:
        return trigramlist
    In [18]:
    def per_check(string_value, total):
        percentage = len(string_value)
        if percentage != 0:
            percentage = float(total / percentage) * 100
            percentage = 0
        return percentage
    def punc_count(string_value):
        count = 0
        for c in string_value:
            if c in punctuation:
                count+= 1
        return per_check(string_value, count)
    def caplet_count(string_value):
        count = 0
        for c in string_value:
            if c.isupper():
                count+= 1
        return per_check(string_value, count)      

    General Text Analysis

    In [19]:
    blog['wc'] = blob.apply(lambda val: len(val.words))
    blog['sc'] = blob.apply(lambda val: len(val.sentences))
    blog['tokens'] = blob.apply(lambda val: [w.lower() for w in val.words])
    blog['sent_pol'] = blob.apply(lambda val: val.sentiment[0])
    blog['sent_subj'] = blob.apply(lambda val: val.sentiment[1])
    blog['cap_let'] = blob.apply(caplet_count)
    blog['punc_count'] = blob.apply(punc_count)
    CPU times: user 43 s, sys: 694 ms, total: 43.7 s
    Wall time: 44.1 s
    In [20]:
    blog['freq_score'] = blob.apply(lambda val: freq_rating(val.words))
    blog['full_freq_score'] = blob.apply(lambda val: full_freq_rating(val.words))

    Data Cleaning Round 2

    In [21]:
    blog = blog[blog['wc'] >= 4]
    blog = blog[blog['full_freq_score'] > 1500]

    Parts of Speech Tokens

    In [22]:
    blog['pos'] = blob.apply(lambda val: [v[1] for v in val.tags])
    blog['pos2'] = blob.apply(posbigram)
    blog['pos3'] = blob.apply(postrigram)
    /anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/nltk/util.py:491: DeprecationWarning:
    generator 'ngrams' raised StopIteration
    CPU times: user 5min, sys: 7.53 s, total: 5min 8s
    Wall time: 5min 12s

    Backup File


    Frequent Words Per Language

    In [23]:
    js = Counter(reduce((lambda x, y: x + y), blog.content[blog.language == 'Japanese'].str.lower().apply(nltk.word_tokenize))).most_common(1000)
    cs = Counter(reduce((lambda x, y: x + y), blog.content[blog.language == 'Traditional Chinese'].str.lower().apply(nltk.word_tokenize))).most_common(1000)
    cl,jl = [l[0] for l in cs],[l[0] for l in js]
    cuw,juw = [item for item in cl if item not in jl],[item for item in jl if item not in cl]
    CPU times: user 1min 4s, sys: 17.1 s, total: 1min 21s
    Wall time: 1min 23s

    2. Feature Processing: (top)

    In [24]:
    def create_dummy_binary_df(df,col,name,keep=[],):
        colset = set(df[col].sum())
        finalsetlist = []
        if len(keep) > 0:
            colset = [k for k in keep if k in colset]
        for c in colset:
            colname = name+'_'+str(c)
            df[colname] = df[col].apply(lambda val: val.count(c))
            if df[colname].sum() < 1:
                del df[colname]
        print('Created dummy counter for {} features'.format(name))
        return finalsetlist
    In [25]:
    def create_dummy_count_df(df,col,colset,name,keep=[]): 
        finalsetlist = []
        if len(keep) > 0:
            colset = [k for k in keep if k in colset]
        for c in colset:
            colname = name+'_'+str(c)
            df[colname] = df[col].apply(lambda val: val.count(c))
            if df[colname].sum() < 1:
                del df[colname]
        print('Created dummy counter for {} features'.format(name))
        return finalsetlist
    In [26]:
    colset = set(blog['tokens'].sum())
    CPU times: user 1min 30s, sys: 25.8 s, total: 1min 56s
    Wall time: 1min 59s
    In [27]:
    prplist = list(ANCI_WORDS['word'][ANCI_WORDS.pos == 'PRP'])
    pronouns = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'tokens',colset,'prp',prplist)
    cclist = list(ANCI_WORDS['word'][ANCI_WORDS.pos == 'CC'])
    coordinators = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'tokens',colset,'cc',cclist)
    inlist = list(ANCI_WORDS['word'][ANCI_WORDS.pos == 'IN'])
    preposition = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'tokens',colset,'prep',inlist)
    adverblist = list(ANCI_WORDS['word'][ANCI_WORDS.pos == 'RB'])[0:50]
    adverb = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'tokens',colset,'adv',adverblist)
    punct = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'tokens',colset,'punct',list(punctuation))
    cuw = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'tokens',colset,'cuw',cuw)
    juw = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'tokens',colset,'juw',juw)
    Created dummy counter for prp features
    Created dummy counter for cc features
    Created dummy counter for prep features
    Created dummy counter for adv features
    Created dummy counter for punct features
    Created dummy counter for cuw features
    Created dummy counter for juw features
    CPU times: user 12.6 s, sys: 191 ms, total: 12.8 s
    Wall time: 12.7 s
    In [28]:
    pos1set = set(blog['pos'].sum())
    pos2set = set(blog['pos2'].sum())
    pos3set = set(blog['pos3'].sum())
    CPU times: user 3min 33s, sys: 1min, total: 4min 33s
    Wall time: 4min 32s
    In [29]:
    pos2 = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'pos2',pos2set,'pos2')
    pos1 = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'pos',pos1set,'pos1')
    Created dummy counter for pos2 features
    Created dummy counter for pos1 features
    CPU times: user 30.5 s, sys: 1.39 s, total: 31.9 s
    Wall time: 31.5 s
    In [30]:
    pos3 = create_dummy_count_df(blog,'pos3',pos3set,'pos3')
    Created dummy counter for pos3 features
    CPU times: user 7min 54s, sys: 1min 46s, total: 9min 41s
    Wall time: 9min 10s
    In [31]:
    letters1 = []
    for let in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
        name = 'let1_'+let
        blog[name] = blog.tokens.apply(lambda val: ''.join(val).count(let))
    In [32]:
    alphabet = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
    letters2 = []
    for let in alphabet:
        for let2 in alphabet:
    letters2name = []        
    for let in letters2:
        name = 'let2_'+let
        blog[name] = blog.tokens.apply(lambda val: ' '.join(val).count(let))
        if blog[name].sum() < 10:
            del blog[name]
    letters2 = letters2name
    CPU times: user 43.9 s, sys: 10.4 s, total: 54.2 s
    Wall time: 51.9 s
    In [33]:
    # For backup
    CPU times: user 3min 39s, sys: 9.12 s, total: 3min 48s
    Wall time: 1h 14min 39s
    In [34]:
    # For second notebook
    %store blog
    Stored 'blog' (DataFrame)